My Wife is 18

Title: My Wife is 18
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: English
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Released: 2002
Ekin Cheng
Charlene Choi
The story of the fixed marriage between a tennager named Yoyo and a 30-year-old interllectual named Cheung. Once inseparable wartime buddies, the pair's grandfathers promised their unborn children to one another, but when both offspring turned out to be female, this promise was transferred on to the next generation.
But an age gap of more than a decade is not this odd couple's only difficulty: Yoyo was raised in Hong Kong while Cheung in San Francisco; Yoyo has not quite decided what profession she would like to take on as an adult, while Cheung has been writing his dissertation to become a Master of Philosophy in psychology for several years. Yet true to a romantic's fantasies, the two are able to find common ground and begin to appreciate their differences, despite the fact that they had agreed to be married in name only, and made an agreement to separate after one year...
Another SET-UP MARRIAGE MOVIE... but they're so funny and cute together.
Sneak Preview
Watch the Movie HERE
Sypnosis: Yes Asia
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